Here’s what we’re doing on campus to make a positive impact on the planet… 

Local Purchasing


Did you know Dining Services sources food from local farmers, growers and distributors? The list changes throughout the year depending on seasonality and availability.  

Humanely Raised Proteins

We are committed to addressing the treatment of animals for egg, meat and dairy products.  We purchase cage-free eggs (shell, liquid, and processed eggs) and group housed pork, and do not purchase foie gras or veal raised in crates.

Sustainable Seafood

We source seafood, including finfish, shellfish, and canned tuna from sources, whether fished or farmed, that maintain healthy marine life and ecosystems, and respect seafood workers and communities throughout the supply chain. 


We are committed to addressing deforestation risks in our supply chain. We source sustainably produced soy and palm oils and continue to assess and address forest-related risks in beef and paper products.

Low Carbon Menu Options

We serve plant-forward dishes, which are delicious, nutritious, and good for the climate. Since 2015, we have increased the fruits, vegetables, and whole grains on our menus by 19%, while reducing climate-intensive red meat by 12%.  Click here to learn more about our menu commitment.

Green Cleaning

Illini Towers Dining is committed to using environmentally preferable cleaning products in our operations to reduce the need for chemical-based cleaning products and provide a healthy and safe learning environment.

Skip the Straw

Every year, Americans use enough straws to wrap around the earth 2.5 times. To do our part to reduce the number of plastic straws being thrown away every day, we offer paper straws upon request.  Sip Smarter and skip the straw!

Trayless Dining

Dining Services has gone trayless. By skipping trays, your actions help minimize food waste, conserve energy and water, and reduce the amount of cleaning chemicals entering the waste stream.